Poway, CA
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With a population of 48,841, 16,015 total housing units (homes and apartments), and a median house value of $1,000,309, Poway Homes For Sale house prices are not only among the most expensive in California, Poway real estate also is some of the most expensive in all of America.
Single-family detached homes are the single most common housing type in Poway, accounting for 74.89% of the city’s housing units. Other types of housing that are prevalent in Poway include large apartment complexes or high rise apartments ( 12.61%), row houses and other attached homes ( 5.70%), and a few mobile homes or trailers ( 3.70%).
Owner-occupied, three and four bedroom dwellings, primarily in single-family detached homes are the most prevalent type of housing you will see in Poway. Owner-occupied housing accounts for 77.92% of Poway’s homes, and 69.21% have either three or four bedrooms, which is average sized relative to America.
There is a lot of housing in Poway built from 1970 to 1999 so parts of town may have that “Brady Bunch” look of homes popular in the ’70s and early ’80s, although some of these houses were built up through the early ’90s as well. There is also a lot of housing in Poway built between 1940-1969 ( 21.33%). A lesser amount of the housing stock also hails from between 2000 and later ( 10.45%). There’s also some housing in Poway built before 1939 ( 1.01%).
In the last 10 years, Poway has experienced some of the highest home appreciation rates of any community in the nation. Poway real estate appreciated 102.99% over the last ten years, which is an average annual home appreciation rate of 7.34%, putting Poway in the top 20% nationally for real estate appreciation. If you are a home buyer or real estate investor, Poway definitely has a track record of being one of the best long term real estate investments in America through the last ten years.
Credit Goes To: https://www.neighborhoodscout.com/ca/poway/real-estate#description